Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Week 3, Exercise 7

After my wedding on 12/26/07

This links to a picture of a leopard gecko. My husband and I have 24 leopard geckos ranging in ages from newborn (just hatched 2 days ago) to about 2 years old. We also have 3 cornsnakes and an African fat-tailed gecko. I am new to the world of leopard geckos. I was previously only aware of lizards as the dull, desert kind, that the cats occassionly caught. But then my husband moved in with three leopard geckos, since then we acquired 11 more geckos and the snakes, then 8 babies have hatched in the month or so. They are really cute and have distinct personalities.

Exercices up to Week 3

So I believe I have finished the first 4 exercises from Weeks One and Two. I didn't really see that we had to post anything about the "7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners", but since other people have here goes: I think I have the most problem teaching/mentoring others. I am okay with helping others with basic questions, but I don't necessarily see myself as a great role model outside of my work ethic.
I have explored Flickr, which is exercise 5, so I was told for exercise 6, I just need to post a picture from Flickr. So I will attempt that next time.