Monday, March 26, 2007

Week 8, Exercise 19

Well, I was finally able to get LibraryThing on the sidebar of my blog, but then my blog was not responding. I had to exit so I'm not sure that it is there still. I think I will actually use some of the features of LibraryThing in my personal life. Right now the books listed are books I am reading concurrently. I rarely read only one book at a time. I have two books at work that I am reading, and four at home: two non-fiction and two fiction, although one I haven't actually started reading because I own it, so I am trying to get through the library ones. Working at the library is a mixed blessing. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, it's just a never-ending struggle of trying to catch up on my reading when there are always authors getting my attention and when I find an author I really like, I try to read all their books or at least all the books that are similar to the one I found I liked.

1 comment:

Gordola said...

Good job on the widget and on LibraryThing. I hate it when blogger is so fussy, but you did it!